Technology building materials, products and structures

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Technology building materials, products and structures



Head of the department “Technology building materials, products and structures”
Candidate of Technical Sciences, Associate Professor Berdiev Oblokhul Bobokhulovich
Time of reception: Tuesday from 14 00 to 17 00, Friday from 14 00 to 17 00
Phone: +99872-226-40-55, +99891-591-42-41 

About the Department of “Technology building materials, products of construction”

The department “Construction of Buildings and Structures” was opened in 2013 5340500- “Production of building materials, products and structures” of the лиnalishi ochilgan b ушlib, ushba ўnalishiga talab oshganligini? Isobga olib 2017 – yil september oyidan boslab “” urishil materiallari, buyumlari varlarar technology technology azhralib chi? di.

Özirgi Kunda cathedra Bozorov Isroyil Bozorovich bosh? arib kelmo? yes.
Bugungs Kunda dept. 5340500 – “? Urilish materiallari, buyumlari va kostruktsalalarini islab ch? Arish” yanalishi byyich zhami 306 talalarar talim olmo? Yes. Shulardan 135 talab grant asosid, 171 talab tўlov contract asosid that “forces olmo” yes.