International Projects and Grants

International Projects and Grants

International grants and Project

reileap trigger JizPI

Currently, the institute is implementing 6 International projects


EU ERASMUS Capacity Building Higher Education Project «Reinforcing capacities of HEIs for leather and leather products in Uzbekistan – Kazakhstan – REILEAP» with the participation of the Jizzakh Polytechnic Institute and the Center for Women Inventors is aimed at the innovative development of leather production in Uzbekistan and Kazakhstan. This project is being implemented in collaboration with Polytechnic university of Crete (Greece), Ege university (Turkey), Yashi University (Romania) and two universitites in Kazakhstan. The cost of the project is 914 603 euros.


On the basis of the projects «INTRAS» of the European Union ERASMUS+ program, the institute conducts research in collaboration with higher education institutions of the European Union. Also, within the framework of this project, a work worth $ 50 000 was implemented in cooperation with SIMETRA of the Russia Federation.LEAP


EU ERASMUS+ Higher education capacity Building Project «TRIGGER-Triggering innovative approaches and entrepreneurial skills for students through creating conditions for graduate’s employability in Central Asia», Koshitse Technical University (Slovakia), Vienna Practical University of Sciences (Austria) in collaboration with the University of Nice (France) and the University of Rijeka (Croatia), as well as 4 universities in Tajikistan and 3 universities in Kazakhstan. The total cost of the project is 999 573 euros.

Data NetProject


Jizzakh Polytechnic Institute is implementing a $ 100 000 grant project of the World Bank academic innovation fund for «Data NetProject». The institute actively cooperates with the World Bank, ADB, Kolca, GIZ in the field of educational programs.



EU project ERASMUS+ «TEX4FUTURE – Future prospects for textile production in Uzbekistan and Kazakhstan.» The purpose of this project is to transfer knowledge, experience, skills and best practices related to the light industry (mainly textile and clothing industries) of these countries to the needs of the industry by higher education institutions in Uzbekistan and Kazakhstan. The total cost of upgrades to existing facilities and services is €790,985.



DEBSEUz – Development of a targeted educational program for undergraduates in solar energy in Uzbekistan. The project is aimed at solving the problem of the lack of qualified highly specialized specialists in the Republic of Uzbekistan for the installation, management, operation and maintenance of solar energy systems and their components. The main goal of the project is to develop educational programs and training programs for undergraduates in solar energy engineering.