Innovational program

Innovational program

JizPI Innovation Program

(introduction of the obtained results into production)


The Institute is conducting research work on the problems of industrial enterprises and organizations. Certain progress has been made in the implementation of the planned measures and steps to improve the system of implementation of innovative ideas and technologies created in the Institute.

Maintaining of the implementation of the assigned tasks qualitatively and timely is set.

There are 17 “Innovation groups” in all departments of the Institute under the responsibility of 5 deans of faculties and the heads of 22 chairs.

The total number of 17 innovation groups created by the Institute is 177, which includes 71 professors and 28 gifted students and 53 representatives from the Institute.

The list of scientific problems of enterprises includes 61 scientific and methodological research topics. In the 2018-2019 academic year, 2 doctoral dissertations, 4 master’s theses, 16 master’s thesis, 125 final qualifying works, 160 course works were completed at the Institute.

table 1

An overview of innovative cooperation between higher education, science and industry

The number of innovative groups The number of the members of the innovative groups
total: including
Prof – teachers Doctors of philosophy Doctors of science masters Skilled students Representatives of factories
17 177 71 18 7 28 53 45


Cooperative factories established on the terms contract the number of the scientific technplogic problems of the checked factories The number of research work established on the base of the factories’ scientific and technologic problems
Total: including
Course work Final qualifying works Masters dissertation (Phd dissertation DS dissertation Economical contracts
61 350 163 111 14 20 42 17 177

The Institute is conducting research work on the problems of industrial enterprises and organizations. Certain progress has been made in the implementation of the planned measures and steps to improve the system of implementing innovative ideas and technologies in the department. Maintaining of the implementation of the assigned tasks qualitatively and timely is set.

As a result of research conducted at the department this year, the following results were obtained:

– Improved version of internal combustion engines operation with gas burners;

– Improved model of mass transfer between vehicles and environment based on scientific resources;

– Theoretical study of urban passenger transportation;

– Scientific bases of kinematic and dynamic parameters of the process of working with gas combustion in internal combustion engines;

– The mathematical method of quantitative quantification of gases emitted from vehicles and their scientific and methodological bases for the study of its effect on atmospheric air balance;

– Developed ways to improve the efficiency of road construction machinery working bodies.

Improving vehicle performance using biogas of various compounds:

Expected results:

– environmental stabilization of the environment;

– elimination of various infectious diseases among the population;

– the population has a conscious attitude towards their own living space;

– Eco-friendly, environmentally friendly products are produced by recycling organic waste efficiently.

There are more than 6,000 farms in Uzbekistan, with more than 650,000 cattle and more than 21 million poultry produce more than 6 million tons of organic waste per year.

A number of farms use biogas plants to process biological waste and produce biogas and bio fertilizers. The biogas produced is used for domestic needs.

As a result of innovative corporate research with industrial enterprises this year the following results were obtained:

– developed a method of increasing the operational and operational condition of the roads;

– the deformation properties of the asphalt concrete under high summer temperatures are revealed;

– The formation and features of rural labor market in the condition of economic modernization,its own factors , its current state were analysed  and scientific – methodological bases of investigation of rational correlation between supply and demand for labor force were worked out . it was carried out on the scale of the districts by investigating the growth of labor resources.

– experimental version of rubbery materials  for rails was developed, tested and accepted for practical use;

– by using  residual products of the oil and oil industry,rubbing materials for reducers were created and adopted for practical use.