Union of youth of Uzbekistan

Union of youth of Uzbekistan



Chairman of the primary organization of the Jizzakh Polytechnic Institute of the Youth Union of Uzbekistan
Meliev Bobur Abdullah ugli
Tel.: +99899  555 73 93
E-mail: dgpi_info@edu.uz

On the primary organization of the Youth Union of Uzbekistan at the Jizzakh Polytechnic Institute

Goals and objectives of the primary organization

1. The main goal of the primary organization is to help create favorable conditions for the education of youth in an educational institution, protect the rights and interests of youth and make a worthy contribution to their development in diverse personalities.
2. The primary organization has the following tasks:
– educate the younger generation in the spirit of love and devotion to the motherland, instill in them the ideas of national independence, national values, religious tolerance, interethnic harmony and family values;
– explain to young people the civil rights and obligations established by the Constitution and laws of the Republic of Uzbekistan, explain to them the essence of democratic and legal reforms in the country;
– to study the problems of youth in the field of higher education, the quality of education, the level of ownership of subjects, attendance, the level of use of textbooks and libraries, to assist in the consideration and resolution of youth appeals;
– Implement measures to provide young people with in-depth knowledge, study foreign languages ​​and modern information and communication technologies, as well as their professional orientation.
– to find talented young people, to support and encourage them in every possible way, to organize clubs and circles that contribute to the development of intellectual and creative abilities;
– support work aimed at creating an enabling environment for the inclusive education of young people with disabilities and special needs;
– systematic work on the social adaptation of children from dysfunctional families, youth with difficult education and an unhealthy environment, the promotion of students who regularly drop out of school, and the prevention of early marriages among girls;
– carrying out legal and educational work aimed at preventing crime and delinquency among young people;
– promote reading among young people, develop their love of books and develop a reading culture;
– the formation of ideological immunity among young people against harmful actions under the guise of “mass culture”, information attacks, religious fanaticism, missionary and extremist ideas;
-Development of the youth system of higher educational institutions among young people, the organization of their visits to historical monuments, shrines, museums, theaters, buildings built during the years of independence in the territory where they live;
– to promote sports among young people, especially girls, to maintain their interest in sports and to create the necessary conditions for their participation in various sports competitions;
-Organization of educational events for youth on medical culture, in particular, on ways to protect against diseases;
– Protection of ecology and the environment among young people, increasing their environmental awareness by promoting the rational use of natural resources, supporting environmental initiatives.

Rights and obligations of the primary organization

3. The rights of the primary organization are:
-participation in educational, upbringing and other processes aimed at protecting the rights and interests of young people in higher education, receiving and monitoring the necessary information from responsible staff and teachers;
– the study of the quality of lessons in higher education, the level of teachers and students, as well as the study of the library, sports facilities, raids, opinion polls;
– make full use of the conditions in higher education institutions, organize youth clubs, require that the work plan activities be funded by a higher education institution;
– make proposals to the rector of the university and higher organizations on the problems, proposals and initiatives of the university youth;
– the creation of additional structures in a higher educational institution in the manner prescribed by regulatory enactments;
-distribution and promotion of information on activities.
The parent organization may exercise other rights provided for in the relevant provisions.
4. Responsibilities of the primary organization:
– act within the framework of the Constitution, laws of the Republic of Uzbekistan, normative legal acts adopted by the Union of Youth and a higher educational institution, observe the rules established by them;
– carry out the relevant tasks and instructions of the local regional and republican councils of the Youth Union, the university council and leadership;
– Submit reports on their activities to the local council of the Youth Union and the head of the university in the prescribed manner;
– The proper use of premises, premises and funds allocated to the primary organization;
– assistance in the educational and other activities of the university.

Leader of the Faculty of Road Transport
Uzokov Maksud Alikul ugli
Tel.: +99894 690 28 78
E-mail: dgpi_info@edu.uz
Leader of the Faculty of Industrial Technology
Khudoyberdieva Latofat Abdimomin kizi
Tel.: +99899 557 77 49
E-mail: dgpi_info@edu.uz
Leader of the Faculty of Architecture and Construction
Holboev Sanjarbek Olimzhon ugli
Tel.: +99891  592 87 78
E-mail: dgpi_info@edu.uz
Leader of the Faculty of Electromechanics and Electronics
Shermamatov Sirozhiddin Khaidarovich
Tel.: +99899 554 16 69
E-mail: dgpi_info@edu.uz
Service Faculty Leader
Kurbanov Khayrulla Tilovboy ugli
Tel.: +99899  555 73 93
E-mail: dgpi_info@edu.uz