

Accounting department
Accountant: Akramov Alisher Abrorovich
Days of reception: every week on Monday, Wednesday and Friday from 14:00 to 16:00
Phone: 0(372) 226-51-25
The activities of accounting of DjizPI
Accounting of the Institute conducts the following activities:

• The production and accounting of the Institute in order to obtain relevant a complete and accurate information with internal and external users about its financial activities and financial position.

• Forms in accordance with the laws on accounting policy based on the specific economic conditions, structure, size, sector and other features of the institute, which allows in time information for planning, analysis, monitoring, assessing the financial position and results of operations of the institute.

• The preparation and approval of the working chart of accounts containing the synthetic and analytical accounts, the primary form of records used to process business transactions, forms, internal accounting, to ensure the order of the inventory and assessment of movables and liabilities, documenting their presence, the state and Evaluation of internal control over the correctness of registration of business operations, compliance with the order document.

• Development of information system of accounting and reporting in accordance with the requirements of accounting, tax, statistical and management accounting provides accounting information to provide the necessary internal and external users.

• Conducts operations in terms of accounting registers through the use of modern information technology, advanced forms and methods of accounting and control, accounting assets, liabilities, fixed assets, inventories, cash, financial, payment and credit operations, financial performance organization.
Accounting provides:

• Timely and accurate reflection on accounts of business transactions, movement of assets, income and expenditure commitments.

• Timely transfer of taxes and fees to the national, regional and local budgets, insurance contributions to state extra-budgetary social funds, payments to the credit institutions funds to finance capital expenditures, repayment of outstanding loans, control over the expenditure of the wage fund, organization and accuracy of calculations compensation of employees, inventory, order, accounting, reporting, and conducting audits in the documentary parts of the organization.

• Participates in conducting financial analysis and the formation of tax policy on the basis of accounting and reporting, internal audit organization, prepares proposals aimed at improving the financial performance of the organization, eliminating losses and costs of production.

• Leads efforts to ensure compliance with financial and cash discipline, law debiting of accounts of shortages, receivables and other losses.